Call for Papers

We invite students and researchers from developing countries, regardless of their current location, to submit their work to the Computer Vision for Developing Countries (CV4DC) workshop. We are interested in new ideas, ongoing research, as well as work that has been previously published whithin 1 year or is under consideration elsewhere.

Submissions can include both innovative algorithms and practical applications. While the presenting author does not need to be the first author, we encourage highlighting contributions from researchers in developing countries, particularly the presenting author, in the abstract. Although the workshop primarily aims to showcase researchers from developing countries, participation is open to all.

A PDF version with the important dates can be found here.

Topics of Interest

We invite submissions on a wide range of topics in computer vision and pattern recognition, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • 3D Computer Vision
  • Applications of Computer Vision, Vision for X
  • Big Data, Large Scale Methods
  • Biomedical Image Analysis
  • Biometrics
  • Computational Photography, Sensing, and Display
  • Datasets and Performance Analysis
  • Deep Learning for Computer Vision
  • Document image analysis
  • Face and Gesture
  • Pose and Action
  • Generative models for computer vision
  • Illumination and Reflectance Modeling
  • Low-level Vision, Image Processing
  • Motion and Tracking
  • Optimization Methods
  • Physics-based Vision and Shape from X
  • Recognition: Feature Detection, Indexing, Matching, and Shape Representation
  • RGBD and Depth Image Processing
  • Robot Vision
  • Segmentation and Grouping
  • Statistical Methods and Learning
  • Video Analysis and Event Recognition
  • Vision and Language

Submission Categories

We accept the following types of submissions:

Extended Abstracts: Submissions should be between four (4) and seven (7) pages, excluding references. These can cover work in progress, preliminary research, studies published within 1 year, or any relevant computer vision applications. Accepted papers in this category will not be archived in the ACCV workshop proceedings, allowing future publication in other venues.

Full Length Papers: Up to fourteen (14) pages excluding references. These can cover work in progress, studies published within 1 year, or any relevant computer vision applications. Accepted papers in this category will not be archived in the ACCV workshop proceedings, allowing future publication in other venues.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must adhere to the guidelines provided by the ACCV 2024 Author Kit. Papers must clearly state the research problem, motivation, and technical contributions. Submissions should be self-contained, including all necessary figures, tables, and references.

Authors are welcome to submit multiple papers, provided that each submission presents distinct, original contributions.

Authors of accepted submissions will be required to present their work during a poster session. A select few will be invited to deliver a 10-15 minute oral presentation.

Submission page: OpenReview

Important Dates

Please adhere to the submission deadlines and other key dates outlined below. Note that extensions will not be granted.

  • September 24, 2024 : Paper submission deadline.
  • October 1, 2024 : Paper submission deadline.
  • October 08, 2024 : Acceptance Notification
  • December 08, 2024 : Workshop & Mentoring event

All submission deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT).

New Updates: We received many requests on deadline extension, therefore we decided to extend our submission deadline 1 more week

Attendance Awards

We are pleased to offer travel grants to a select number of authors with accepted papers. The exact amount of each grant will be determined based on the number of applications received and will be disclosed following the paper acceptance notifications. These grants are intended to help offset travel expenses related to attending the workshop, including flights and conference registration. Please note that the grant may not cover all incurred expenses. Recipients will be required to submit receipts for travel expenses to receive their award.

Priority for travel grants will be given to authors from developing countries. However, we regret that we cannot guarantee grants for all accepted papers. The final grant amounts will depend on the volume of applications and will be communicated after the acceptance notifications.

New Updates: In collaboration with ACCV, we are pleased to announce that free registration will be available to 50 attendees from the following countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Tajikistan, Timor Leste, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Authors from these countries who wish to attend the workshop must apply for the grant. The application process is simple and requires only a brief statement (a few paragraphs) or a CV.

Please send your application (CV or brief statement) to

Registration Instructions

As CV4DC is a workshop under the ACCV, registration will be managed through the ACCV website. Please ensure that your ACCV registration includes the workshop sessions. Detailed information and instructions for registration can be found here: ACCV Registration

Presentation Instructions

Details on presentation guidelines and formats will be provided soon. Stay tuned for updates!


  Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.
- Download CV4DC 2024 Author Kit
- OpenReview Submission Website
Paper Submission October 1, 2024  
Acceptance Notification October 08, 2024  
Workshop & Mentoring event December 08, 2024  


Want to sponsor the workshop? Please contact

  Latest News

  • 📢 Submission deadline is extended
  • 📢 The website is online
  • 📢 The CFP is online